The Tabco panels are a close to factory reproduction, they are door jam to bumper but they only extend half way up the panel.
The NOS panels are full panels, door to bumper, and they extend all the way up to the roof seam. They also have the channel for the trunk weather seal. and the hole for the rear side marker light.
ultimately we decided that the NOS panels would be the best bet, 37 year old original ford quality parts. Less work would be required finishing them and making them look good. Contacting the owner of the parts we were able to strike a deal for $850.00 for the panels.
We found out that he has had these panels in his possession for a few years and just moved around with him. He said that a neighbor across the road from his house had found them in the attic of the house they were moving in to well cleaning. The guy was putting them at the curb for the trash man!! Glen the guy we bought them from saw the ford label and knew they would be worth something so he took them and hung out to them. He wasn't really a torino guy but was a ford buff. he was just tired of moving these around his shop so it was time to try to sell them.
The panels were very clean, only a couple of minor surface rust spots that will clean right up no problem. There is also one small dent in one of the panels that will be no problem to work out.
I think we ended up with a pretty good deal here and its going to hopefully cut the sheet metal work in half.
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